Friday, October 03, 2008

My Way, My Truth & My Life

"He knows my name; He knows my every thought; He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call."

I really love this song! It has been one of my all-time favorites since the very first time I heard it.

My friend recently put this up on her status message on Facebook and someone left a comment that said "I wish it were true!" Wow! How it must be to go through life not knowing that those words ARE true! Of course, I've been there too. But right now, I can't even remember a life minus God. He has wiped the slate clean in more ways than one! (People who know me well will understand this statement well - my memory for past events sucks!) I guess what I am saying is that I've gotten so used to leaning on Him that I cannot even imagine life any other way!

Anyways, back to that comment - no wonder so many people take drastic decisions - like suicide, murder, abortion etc. They have no hope that there is someone up there loves them and is waiting to help them. They see their option as the only way out of their problem.They don't realize that THE Way is just waiting for them to call out to Him.

Yes, I have gone through many tough times - no more than any other normal person I am sure - but I cannot claim to have the worst-ever life. But when I sit back and think about the tough times that have gone past and the problems I still face from time to time, I don't know how I would get by if I didn't believe the words of that song; if I didn't have the assurance that He sees me, He knows me, He hears me and He loves me enough to respond when I call out to Him. What an assurance!

Writing this post has strengthened my resolve to do what I need to do. People need the Lord. And I need to tell them about Him.

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