Woke up Saturday morning with painful throat. By the afternoon I had difficulty swallowing and by the evening, I was feeling awfully feverish. I managed to crawl through Saturday and all its tasks. And then Sunday arrived.
The weekend i
s the worst time ever to get sick if you work for the church. Especially if it happens to be on a special Children's weekend! Well to cut a long story short, 350 hyperactive children (in ugly plastic lion masks), 15 teachers and 1 chatty puppet later - I had a headache the size of the Grand Canyon! But the kids had a blast and honestly - the teachers did most of the work. But being in charge gives you the biggest headache of them all!
Thompson was scheduled to preach in another church that evening. They printed posters and all. It was kinda cool to see his
Thompson's message was really good that night. They asked me to sing and for the first time ever, I sang a whole song in Tamil! And nobody laughed! I was pretty pleased with myself and I've been singing to myself in Tamil ever since which, if you know me well, is not normal. Maybe it's the fever?
Later, we had a yummy dinner at the pastor's house, headed to my parent's to pick up our dog and got home midnight-ish.
I am better. Still feeling a little sick. I hope I feel better soon.
Hope you are feeling better... :-(
Maybe you should stay off jamuns for a while. It could also be the fudge. Hand them over, I'll deal with them! How dare they make you sick!
Thompson's a celebrity preacher! I rub shoulders with the mighty ones. woah.
Fudge can't give you a sore throat!! Wat do they teach you in those Latin Nagercoil schools? :P
Bungi - Yes i am feeling better now... thanks! :)
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